
Portfolio and web content.

Project maintained by kaganema Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Latest Releases

New THREEJS sample project.

I have finally managed to make a more expansive project with loading OBJ files, along with picking with raycaster and applying HTML elements to selected models. It is further subject to change Demo

Date: 03/02/2022

Beginner LibGDX Java Game Live!

My Java game is now available as a web game, play it now.

Date: 27/01/2022

LibGDX Game Initial Version Video

I have made a video showing the most basic functioning version of the previously mentioned game. Youtube video

Date: 28/07/2021

Mini LibGDX Beginner Game

I’ve been working on a small demo game using Java’s libGDX library a few months ago. After watching a beginner’s course to the framework (which uses the barebones of the tools provided), I decided to apply what I learned to a slightly more complex project. The core mechanics of the game are finished, albeit with a few bugs, but I am now working extending it to being more complete. The latest implementation of the game now involves an addition of the options menu, with the ability to switch weapons, that have their names and properties now defined. Currently need to test the features, and fix the options buttons to make sure the weapon selection is easier (make the hit area bigger).

Date: 28/07/2021

THREE.JS File Loading Example

My introduction to loading 3D models into the browser. Includes a demo scene of place. The demo is for Wavefront (OBJ) files. Give it a few seconds and then touch the screen to see the results. OBJ Model and texture made by me (kaganema) in Blender, Inkscape and GIMP respectively. Link

Date: 28/03/2021

THREE.js Shadow Map Practice

A practice on apply shadow maps for 3d environments. Subject to change for a more “landmark” look. View the result here

Date: 23-03-2021

All over on this page

Date: Sept 2020